Seabird North Beach at
1945 Stockton St. accepts children 18 mo+
COVID-19 Guidelines
Last Updated 8/15/2022
Below are a few items that will assist us as we navigate through these challenging COVID times:
1. If your child has any symptom or feels ill, please keep them home.
2. If you get a negative COVID test you should still wait until the symptoms are gone before sending your child back to school. A sick child will need to be kept at home COVID or no COVID.
3. Please note that if your child is Positive, we will have some questions we must ask you to fulfill the requirements of the health department. We will likely send you an email with a request for the information. We need a quick turn around these days. We ask that you promptly read Brightwheel messages sent to you from the school. Messages sent from school may be time sensitive.
Masking Upgrades:
Thank you for your attention to the masking upgrade strong recommendation. Cloth masks alone are deemed as not effective. Surgical masks in conjunction with cloth masks work well. KN95 masks do come in child sizes and are very effective. We ask parents to bring multiple masks for your child daily as children soak through them throughout the day then don't want to wear it. You are welcome to bring in several and we can reach out to you when it runs low.
Play Dates and Extra Curricular Activities:
We remind you that we are a community and choices you make outside of Seabird may impact everyone.
Outside play dates are a wiser choice. Remaining masked when in groups or in the homes of others is extremely wise. Indoor extra-curricular activities and sports are another risk factor to enhance the spread of COVID. Testing and Precautions should be utilized.
COVID-19 protocols Seabird Preschool is following to ensure the health and safety of our Seabird family:
All adults and non-Seabird children over the age of 2 must wear a face covering.
The playground is not open to children during pick up or drop off. The playground is sanitized for each group’s usage.
All children dropped off after 9am will have to wait at the gate before entering the playground where a staff will take your child’s temperature and walk them in to wash hands and parents will exit without entering.
During pick up, ring the doorbell where the keypad is and a staff will walk your child and their belongings out to you. If you have a stroller or items stored in our outdoor storage area, please let the staff know and they will retrieve it for you.​
If you or your child tests positive for COVID, inform the school immediately
Thank you for your time in reading and following the new protocols and understanding that this is done to ensure safety to everyone and for Seabird to continue to serve the families who need care for their children during these difficult times. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please email Director Mei at